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The Mental Health Benefits of Cleaning.

I think we have all been there. You are so busy working and taking care of the kids, then you look around and your dishes aren’t done, your floors desperately need vacuuming and toys are everywhere. You are exhausted and feeling a bit depressed. Tomorrow you have to get up, get the kids to daycare, off to work and the cycle continues. When will you have time to get to the cabinets that are covered in, well let’s be honest who really knows and the bathroom could really use a good deep cleaning.

The days kind of pile up and eventually you are just stuck in a cycle of depression and lack of cleanliness. But do these things really go hand in hand? Studies suggest the do!

A 2010 Study by Researchers as the University of California used software to gather data on 30 couples living together. Out of the 30 couples those that described their homes as cluttered, dirty or complained of unfinished projects were more likely to suffer from fatigue or depression. Those who described their homes as restful, clean and restorative seemed to live a happier lifestyle.

In the same study done by the University of California the researchers also found that in the same percentage that lived in cluttered and dirty homes their levels of cortisol was higher than those who reported to live in a restful, clean home.

Cortisol is a stress hormone found in the body. Sort of like your body's alarm system. It works with your brain to control your mood, and motivation. So if your cluttered and dirty home is raising the cortisol levels in your brain it is 100% possible that cleanliness and your mental health go hand in hand.

Did you know that you can use cleaning to INCREASE happiness? So it’s not just about having a clean home, But cleaning too. Hey, Maybe this is why us housekeepers seem to be so happy when we come to your house to help out!? Here are 5 ways to decrease your cortisol levels and increase your happiness.

#5: Cleaning release endorphins!

It’s True! Get moving. Turn on the music and dance with your vacuum while you sweep through the house. This movement will not only get those endorphins but your burning calories while you do it.

Besides once it’s done the satisfaction you will feel will be more than worth it.

#4: Decluttering improves your Focus!

Our brains are perhaps the most complex structures in the universe, capable of many things. However, it is also very easy to overwhelm. Consider this when you look around your desk are piles of paperwork, knick knacks and countless pictures of your family the reason you cannot focus? If you work from home what about that empty bowl of cereal or opened mail and your overflowing trash bin? Decluttering these types of items can give you your focus back and allow you to get back on track!

#3: A better smelling home and lift your mood right from the start!

The link between olfactory sensations and mental health are long-established, and it's been proven that aromatherapy can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. This is why I focused my cleaning business based on the aromatherapy of essential oils.

A room that smells of 2 day old lunch and dirty feet are not going to help keep you motivated. Try a mixture of smells, or smells that bring you back to happy times.

Here are some smells I recommend

Lemon Basil


Orange Vanilla

Rosemary Peppermint

Mix and match to find your favorites!

#2: Clean environments make for better relationships.

Sharing your living space, be it with a roommate, spouse or even children can hold a huge barrier to cleanliness and happiness. Being on the same page with chores and other duties is a must! Not rinsing dishes, Forgetting to take the trash out and hair in the shower can definitely leave you feeling frustrated.

Try to agree on household chores and share everything equally. Cooperation and compromise can be beneficial to mental wellbeing. As can a clean home!

#1. Enjoy SLEEP!

The national sleep foundation found in a survey people who make their beds every morning are 19% more likely to get a good night's rest. 75% say they sleep more peacefully with freshly cleaned bedding and newly fluffed pillows.

It’s also said that if your mood is boosted through the above 4 steps and boosting the cleanliness of your home that will no doubt have a positive impact on the quality of your sleep.

Stay tuned for next week when we will cover the benefits of hiring a professional cleaning service

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Love's cleaning co, llc

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Traverse City, MI 49684

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Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
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